Choose your delivery formats

Updated Jun 11, 2021

Secure and simplify your audio deliveries with
Projects tend to drag on and have a lot of steps and versions from start to finish. It can be very time-consuming and stressful to keep track of what can be shared beyond the active team on Mixup and what should not. The solution is simple: store everything on Mixup and use the download manager.

Download manager
It gives you full control over whether files are available for download or not. That guarantees that nothing unwanted is floating around the internet. Or that your client does not forget to pay you for your hard work before sending the master to Spotify.

How does it work?
Mixup keeps full bit for bit copies of every version of every song securely in the cloud. If you upload a high-resolution file, Mixup will create a lossless compressed version and great-sounding Mp3 for it automatically. The Mixup download manager lets you pick which playlists, players, or versions your clients can download AND what formats they have access to.

Use Case
For example, You could allow the mp3 download for every version of a chosen track as they get created, avoiding the time-consuming process of distributing them to everyone during the revision process. But you can allow the full resolution download of ONLY the approved version to prevent the wrong file from going to mastering for example. Or you can just let the team download every version of every track in a playlist in any format they like by just clicking one button.

And when your guests hit the download button Mixup generates a clear and cool-looking page with EXACTLY the files you decide to give them. You’re in control.