Playlists are the way to go

Updated Jun 11, 2021


Use one link to rule them all with the Mixup playlists
When working across multiple tracks it can be hard to keep everything together. Mixup has a powerful playlist system to simplify that. A MixUp playlist is a collection of Mixup tracks. You build a playlist either by creating new tracks or moving existing ones into it.

Playlist Features
You can also make everything look nice for your guests by uploading cover art. By the way, Mixup can automatically match playback level from track to track or even match the whole playlist’s level to your chosen streaming service LUFS level to give your guests a real-life reference.

Once you have assembled your playlist, it’s easy to change the order of the tracks that will always play the latest starred version of each track.

Easy access for your collaborators
Here’s the best part: Mixup lets you share one link for the entire playlist so your guests have easy access to all tracks and all versions in any given project and they can listen to the whole playlist in sequential order right from their phone, browser, or the MixUp plugin.